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Nike's Marketing Strategy

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The Nike campaign started in March with an iconic athlete from the global sports world and an emotional personal tale to grab the viewer's attention. The Nike campaign is a standout because of the surreal and genuine interplay between the young stars and the famous athletes. While many sports-related campaigns use celebrity references to gain mass audience attention, Nike's campaign makes a subtle and genuine connection between the stars and the athletes.

Although it might alienate some US consumers, the campaign is likely to continue its success in the long-term. Nike was able build brand loyalty in record time. This is critical for growing sales. The ad was also created by long-term, trusted partners that resonated well with the core audience. The result was an ad that tapped into the values and needs of its audience and has an unbeatable brand image.

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Despite the controversy over the ad, the campaign has gained worldwide acclaim. Its inclusion as well as technical mastery earned it praise from a range of media including CNN Business, It's Nice That, and It's Nice That. Ava DuVernay was a star in the video and has given positive feedback to the campaign. A variety of notable people have endorsed it and cited its message to be an example of how a company can help the rest of the world.

The Nike ad divided audiences into three camps. Those who claim that the campaign is anti American and those calling for a boycott. The campaign has been a hit for the brand, and despite the negative reviews, Nike has proven that ad campaigns can be both powerful and controversial. The company's latest ad proves that standing up for something more than your bottom line can result in success.

The Nike campaign's efforts to connect with consumers has been widely appreciated. This is evident in the social media pages and apps created in conjunction with the campaign. Its slogan "Just Do it" is a socially-conscious ad campaign. Both genders can be represented by wearing Nike watches and a Nike shirt. A woman, however, does not need to be a man in order to wear the brand.

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A contrasting Nike campaign is aimed at women and male athletes. This campaign, which features female athletes, draws attention both to issues of dominance as well as sexualization. Both genders are shown in a way that reflects brand values. The message is strong and upbeat. A male athlete poses as if he is a sexy man, while a female runs as if he is a mere woman.

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Nike's Marketing Strategy